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Rockwood Valley Middle

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Developing lifelong learners with the knowledge and skills to be self-directed, responsible citizens

Attendance Policy and Procedures

Absence Reporting

When a student is absent from school, parents/guardians are expected to report their absence to the school office or the Attendance Hotline at 636-733-4285. If we do not hear from a parent/guardian by 9:00am, a phone contact attempt will be made.

All absences will be considered unexcused unless verified by a parent/guardian either by phone or in writing upon the child’s return to school. Please refer to Rockwood School District Attendance Policy 2310 for additional information.

Absence on the Day of an Activity

Students who are absent from school for the entire day on the day of a music performance, drama performance, dance, or any other school-sponsored after school or evening event will not be able to attend or participate in the event without prior administrative approval. Students who are absent from school for a part of the day due to a doctor or dental appointment may attend and participate in activities with a written doctor or dentist note verifying the date and time of the appointment AND with administrative approval.

Early Dismissal

Attendance at school is a critical part of student success. For this reason, we encourage  parents/guardians to make doctor, dental, or other appointments outside of school hours. If it is necessary to make appointments during the school day, parents/guardians should contact the school office with notification of the time and reason for early dismissal. The student will be issued a pass. The pass gives the student permission to leave the classroom at the appropriate time. This will facilitate students being in the office when parents/guardians arrive and will avoid interruption of classroom instructional time.

Late Arrivals

Students arriving late to school must sign in at the Welcome Center or at the hall monitor’s station and receive a pass before reporting to the classroom. Students arriving late to school will be marked absent for the amount of time missed.

Make-Up Work

After an absence it is the student’s responsibility to see teachers on the day of return to collect missed work. Missed assignments will be due on the next day the student has that class. Flexibility will be given for absences that are longer than one day and exceptions can be made for certain assignments at teacher discretion.