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Rockwood Valley Middle

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Developing lifelong learners with the knowledge and skills to be self-directed, responsible citizens

Extracurricular Activities

An activity program is a key component of Rockwood Valley Middle School. All students are welcomed and encouraged to stay after school in order to participate in RVMS help sessions, clubs and intramurals. It is our goal that all students are involved in some type of activity, club, or intramural.

The activity program will provide for all students the encouragement and opportunities to participate in a wide range of activities which are based on the interest and physical needs of middle school age children. These activities will focus on the development of social and physical skills in an atmosphere that stresses teamwork and learning the basic requirements of the activity.

Help sessions, clubs and intramurals at Rockwood Valley Middle School will be held after school from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday, unless otherwise noted. Students may not participate on days that they are serving an in school or out of school suspension.

In order for students to participate, they must meet these requirements:

  • Have parent permission.
  • Arranging their own transportation home via parent/guardian pick-up, carpool, or activity bus. Students using activity buses are responsible for signing up.
  • Report to the designated activity bus meeting area for check-in at the conclusion of the activity period (Activity bus riders only).
  • Follow all guidelines established by the sponsor.
  • Be present at school for more than half the school day on the day of the activity.

Evening Events

Evening events that are not school-related public performances, such as dances, are for Rockwood Valley students only. No students from other schools will be admitted. Students attending events are required to follow these procedures:

  • Students must remain inside the school until the event has ended.
  • Students are not permitted to leave the event early unless a parent/guardian comes into the building and speaks to an administrator or has arranged for an early departure of the student with administration.
  • Students should plan transportation home in advance to be picked up promptly at the conclusion of the event.
  • All Rockwood and Rockwood Valley Middle School rules apply during evening activities.