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Rockwood Valley Middle

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Developing lifelong learners with the knowledge and skills to be self-directed, responsible citizens

Lockers and Personal Items


Each student is assigned a hallway and gym locker for the storage of school supplies, equipment and clothing. It is the student's responsibility to keep lockers locked and orderly at all times. Do not share lockers or your locker combination. Locker problems should be reported to the Welcome Center. Lockers should be kept clean and organized. Lockers may not be rigged to remain unlocked when closed. Do not paste or glue items to locker doors or walls. No stickers are allowed on locker doors.

Lockers are the property of the school and can be searched at any time. Students are responsible for their assigned locker and all of its contents. Anything found in that locker is the direct responsibility of the student to whom the locker is assigned. Students should not put their belongings in any other locker but the one they have been assigned to use.

Lost and Found

Every effort will be made to return misplaced items. Lost valuables (such as eyeglasses and cell phones) are kept at the welcome secretary's desk.

Selling Items at School Guidelines

Only fund-raising items approved by the administration may be sold in school. These items are not to be sold during class. Proceeds for all items sold must be for the benefit of a school organization.